
2022-03-29 14:15:01  阅读 151 次 评论 0 条




1、  建议不要坐电瓶车,自己转的话比较自由,并且坐电瓶车都会有导游跟着你,让你花冤枉钱,不要太信里面僧人说的话,信佛和金钱的多少不挂钩的(我也是信佛之人,信仰与金钱不可同日而语的)。

2、  今年你流年不利啊,要少出门,不做新的生意,总之安分保守点好。南山寺海上观音手上拿的是什么法器,分别代表什么意思

3、  三面观音手中分别持珠、持莲、持箧,各有不同寓意:正面为手持经箧观音,体现观音的般若德即智慧德性。

4、  要是坐电瓶车的话,可以将整个景区都逛完,当然南山寺和也能逛到。



1、  持箧观音正面为手持经箧观音,体现观音的般若德即智慧德性,经箧代表六百卷般若经,表示观音“自度度人,智悲双运”,既能自利,观理事无碍之境而了达自在,又能利他,观一切众生之机而化度自在,以般若启众生智慧。

2、  持莲观音左边为手持莲花观音,体现观音的法身德。

3、  此三观音表法无量,持经是心、是智、是安心、是立体、是对内、是见道、是依理、是空义、是真谛……;持莲是色、是境、是起行、是显用、是对外、是修道、是依事、是有义、是俗谛……;持珠是妙观,则色心一如,理事无碍,空有不二,真俗双融。

4、  观音是密宗莲花部的本尊,莲花是观音的三昧耶形,喻“常乐我净”四德;是佛门中的圣花,象征众生的肉团心,莲体清净,出淤泥而不染,根茎通心,象征“心佛众生,三无差别”。



1、  总体表示观音的清净和六根圆通。南山海上观音的三面分别代表着啥

2、  In 1993 China's State Council Bureau of Religious Affairs and the People's Government approved the construction of Hainan Nanshan Temple, and 108 meters of plastic Guanyin statue in front of the temple of the sea. This image from the Sanya Nanshan Guanyin merit Foundation to build the heart and respect, one of the three statues, majestic, an exercise in the world statues. King made the project because of its grand scale, meaning Shusheng, rich Buddhist heritage, known as the world-class, century-class Buddhist works. Chinese Buddhist Association president is pleased to icons title - Nanshan Guanyin.One hundred and eight meters of Guanyin is even higher than the Statue of Liberty 15 meters, is the world's largest white Guanyin statues and is the world's largest audio-visual concept, stainless steel forging. Before Nanshan Guanyin built eighty-eight meters high, known as the Divine first Buddha Wuxi Lingshan Buddha is the highest, but after the sea Nanshan Guanyin built Buddha Mountain altitude record was refreshed. Guanyin icon side is holding a lotus, the other side is holding a golden book, and one side is holding prayer beads. Positive integration of three modeling Guanyin, Po phase solemn, foot one hundred and eight lotus throne, lotus throne ten meters high, a total of four layers, each layer has the same shape twenty-seven lotus, a total of one hundred eight, compared with the base Lingshan Buddha lotus throne twenty more. Under the lotus seat units within King, King Kong Taiwan is an area of 15,000 square meters of Yuantong Temple. Diamond station connected by 280 meters long Puji bridge and the shore, and with an area of 60,000 square meters of the Goddess of Mercy and theme parks on both sides of the square, together form an area of nearly 300,000 square meters of Guanyin Nunnery area.三亚南山海上观音是黄金做的吗?

3、  右边为手持念珠观音,体现观音的解脱德,即彻底摆脱无明烦恼和种种束缚,达到大自由大自在的境界,表现“众生念佛,佛念众生”同等同体的慈悲精神。

4、  南海海上观音圣像是正观音的一体化三尊,从每尊的正面看均是一尊观音圣像,环绕一周方可看清三尊手势各异的观音圣像全貌。



1、  持珠观音右边为手持念珠观音,体现观音的解脱德,即彻底摆脱无明烦恼和种种束缚,达到大自由大自在的境界,表现“众生念佛,佛念众生”同等同体的慈悲精神。

2、  自驾去的话,直接搜索“南山”就可以了,如果不走高速的话,会路径西岛和天涯海角景区,走高速的话,大概走个40公里左右就到了吧,一路都有标示,很容易找到的。

3、  左边为手持莲花观音,体现观音的法身德。

4、  观音是密宗莲花部的本尊,莲花是观音的三昧耶形,喻“常乐我净”四德;是佛门中的圣花,象征众生的肉团心,莲体清净,出淤泥而不染,根茎通心,象征“心佛众生,三无差别”。

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